Le musée de Valence
Franz Ackermann, Elisabeth Ballet and James Turrell all work with space and light. Curator Dorothée Deyries-Henry brings them together in the space of a former printing house, temporarily occupied by the Musée des beaux-arts de Valence - hors les murs. This exhibition catalogue points out the gateways, amplifies the echoes, and reinforces the tensions between the different works. Where Turrell needs a screen cell to conjure up the light, Ballet meanders and threads her way through space, filtering the light unpretentiously, while Ackerman sets a full-colour scene, part installation, part painting. An immersive (sic) edition in the form of a photographic tour, extended with a series of clear and precise texts recounting this unique, unusual encounter.
Artist Franz Ackermann, Elisabeth Ballet, James Turrell
Graphic design Pascal Béjean & Nicolas Ledoux
Author F. Ackermann, E. Ballet, J. Turrell
Publisher Le musée de Valence
Publication date October 2011
Nombre de pages 96
Format PDF
Langues English, French