![À Corps Perdu [english]](https://api.artbookmagazine.com/thumbnails/medium/61fb30da-813d-d0f4-c907-7673ebe1fa2f.jpg)
À Corps Perdu [english]
Art Book Magazine
The exhibition À Corps Perdu is held since June 21st until October 26th at the Espace de l'art concret in Nice, France. It led to a digital feedback about the artists and works that are honoured in the exhibition (Marina Abramovic, Jürgen Klauke, Roman Opalka, ...). Ten artists to discover in order to understand how important are the body and its fluctuant images through contemporary art.
Art Book Magazine
The body always had a major place in western art history. It makes possible to identify the lifestyles and customs of the period a piece of art belongs to. During the twentieth century, abstract avant-gardes theorized refusal of representation. The humain side and the artist himself got unimportant in front of the work. The painting is not a way to introspection anymore for the author. It does not have to be an anecdotal fact, but have a universal language.
The body comes back in the twentieth century's art through performance. It is both an actor and a witness for the artistic experience, as a full medium. Reality takes part in art, and gives artists a new interest for it, in order to explore its limits and contribute to its redefining.
Espace de l’Art Concret
Artist Collectif, Marina Abramović, Jürgen Klauke, Georges Tony Stoll, Véronique Joumard, Marthe Wery, Thomas Vinson, Roman Opalka, Aurélie Nemours, Su-Mei Tse, Roni Horn
Contributor Fabienne Fulchéri
Publisher Art Book Magazine
Publication date August 2014
Nombre de pages 65
Format EPUB+
Langues English