
3 Projects

Art Book Magazine

3 Projects for a rich, overflowing small catalogue: The Holes in Your Heart, presented in 2003, comprised of photographs of exhibitions; 366 Days, a cult film by the group Ultralab™ and a homage to Chris Marker’s La Jetée in the form of photograms accompanied by the entire text of the voice-over; and Tu me Manques™, a complex multimedia installation exhibited in 2004, as well as the source documents of Les Jardins de Leurre, a cartography of a fictitious parallel city of Le Havre following a strange, mysterious war. A sharply insightful, corrosive preface by Paul Ardenne analyses each of those productions and their “ironic-futuristic, scientifico-fictitious studies”.
A good introduction to the first works of this atypical group.

Author Ultralab™
Contributor Paul Ardenne
Translation Vivian Rehberg
Photographer Pascal Béjean
Graphic design Labomatic

Publisher Art Book Magazine
ISBN 9782821600164
Publication date April 2011
Nombre de pages 68
Format PDF
Langues English, French

Art Book Magazine


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